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Celestial Points of Life Energy Gnosticism as Ontotheology by Dr. Steven Katz (Dedicated to my mentors in Orgonomy: Dr. Robert N. Pasotti, and Dr. Richard Blasband) (Copyright 2023)

Orgone Energy: Primordial Cosmic Energy; universally present and demonstrable visually, thermically, electroscopically and by means of Geiger -Mueller counters. In the living organism: Bio-energy, Life Energy. Discovered by Wilhelm Reich between 1936 and 1940.” (From the Glossary of Wilhelm Reich – Selected Writings, page 11).

“Gnosticism” is a religious philosophy that emphasizes personal spiritual knowledge (gnosis) above the proto-orthodox teachings, traditions, and authority of religious institutions. (See the article on “Gnosticism” in Wikipedia).

“Ontotheology” is the study of the Being of God. (See Heidegger On Ontotheology by Iain D. Thomson (N.Y., Cambridge University Press, 2005).

“Orgone Energy is an underlying semi-living life energy, cosmic in origin, the link between the living and the nonliving…perhaps a bioplasmic life form related to the Logos….”) From The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick, page 67 (N.Y., Harcourt, 2011)

“The individual is an aperture through which the whole energy of the universe is aware of itself.” Alan Watts from There Is Never Anything But The Present, pg. 7 (N.Y., Pantheon books, 2021).

[1] The closer a civilization is to the Event Horizon of the Source of the Life (Orgone) Energy, the “Great Spirit,” the more time slows down until in the Absolute Mind it is functionally identical to what we call eternity or timelessness. In the civilization and dimension from which Christ’s father traveled, thousands of our years may have been equivalent to a few years of their time. After Jesus Christ was resurrected by quantum energy, he was returned to his father’s highly spiritually developed orgone civilization. Upon his return here to gather the faithful, he will appear only a few years older than when he left.

[2] In order to ascend to the higher metaphysical dimensions and civilizations, the soul must be free of heavy spiritual armoring and scar tissue. This is a self-regulating process. Between incarnations, a soul will only be able to ascend as far as he can tolerate. If he or she is too spiritually armored, they will not be able to tolerate being on the higher planes. They will contract against it and drop down to a more comfortable level. If you want to be with Christ, you must be able to live as he did. Otherwise, you will continue to reincarnate on the lower levels as you make you way upward, step-by-step, shedding spiritual armor as you go.

[3] If you want to receive communications from the higher metaphysical dimensions, you must be open to the possibility. People who are intellectually armored against the possibility, will never receive them.

[4] There is a dialectical relationship between the life instincts and the death instincts, Eros and Thanatos, entropy and negative entropy, orgone energy and deadly orgone energy, and mind / body expansion and contraction. Each individual spiritual being or soul is a probe from the Godhead of Life Energy. As the Godhead seeks to expand, the “probes” or monads are the Godhead’s spiritual explorers seeking to expand experience and knowledge as it reaches out to the limitless cosmos. When obstacles or resistances are encountered, the ensuing struggle to overcome the negative block results in the generation of higher consciousness as the negation of the negation. The metaphysical block, when overcome, preserves its ontological essence while neutralizing the entropic effect, sublating it into higher knowledge. Mind / body consciousness goes beyond good and evil. Creation and destruction are the two hands of God.

[5] The soul, cleansed of spiritual armor through many incarnations, ascends to the Stars!! The metaphysical movement is generally upward in a spiral, passing through the same nodes at higher and deeper degrees of consciousness. Within this spiral ascension, the soul floats metaphysically two steps forward and one step back. The negation of the negation leads to the Absolute Mind. The Absolute Mind will provide a new beginning for the spiritual traveler. The Archetypal example of this is found in the resurrection of Christ. This is the greatest negation of negation ever recorded on earth.

[6] The great German philosopher Kant (1724-1804) revolutionized metaphysics. His core insight separated the phenomenology of spiritual perception and understanding from reality in-itself as noumena (nous). Our cultural and historical conditioning shapes natural religious perception and cognition. Thus, the understanding of God may differ from culture to culture, but the reality of God is beyond all these different interpretations. This is the mystery of “The Great Spirit” referenced by extraterrestrial visitor Klatuu in the iconic movie “The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951).” After Klatuu was resurrected by concentrated life (orgone) energy, he was asked how long he would remain alive. He replied: “I do not know. Only ‘The Great Spirit’ knows that.”

[7] All states are, to a greater or lesser extent, criminal. Societies can be completely life-affirmative, as far as biological embodiment permits.

[8] I am a disciple of the Aryan Christ. The Aryan Christ is the Nietzschean Christ. This is the Messiah of health, vitality, and the cosmic life energy. He is not a Messiah of death, victimization, and suffering! He incarnated here on earth in a human woman. The Nietzschean Christ came from the most spiritually developed advanced civilization in our Universe bordering on the Event Horizon of the Source of the Cosmic Life Energy. Only the individual can, by striving in many lifetimes, reach the Aryan Christ and the Cosmic Orgone / Life Energy Civilization. Masses cannot be saved. This spiritual law can only by changed by God in the End Times. The Death Energy fights relentlessly against the message of Christ promoting life, love, and the God Energy. See the New Testament. See also: the work of Nietzsche (Thus Spake Zarathustra); Carl Jung (The Aryan Christ – The Secret Life of Carl Jung by Richard Noll); Helena Blavatsky (The Secret Doctrine); and Wilhelm Reich (The Murder of Christ).

[9] There is a cosmic clash between the Godhead of Life Energy and the Demonic Source of Anti-Life / Entropic Death Energy. The Death Energy (called Deadly Orgone Energy by Dr. Wilhelm Reich) represses the life-affirmative orgone energy in all its expressions: sexuality, work, and the quest for knowledge. It is promoted by ruling classes everywhere who want to create and control masses of slaves to produce value for them while staying silent and obedient. Its latest incarnation is in the international class of corporate / global state capitalism. For examples: Klaus Schwab, Dr. Anthony “Angel of Death” Fauci, Bill Gates, Joe Biden, etc.

[10] The revolutionary spiritual dialectic passes upwards, metaphysically speaking, in a spiral path. The revolutionary upsurge passes each point at a higher level of development. It can also devolve if caught in an arrested dialectic. The arrested dialectic is a temporary state of being producing stasis in every domain of human existence. For example, in politics it means a totalitarian state apparatus. This why Thomas Jefferson stated that a new revolution is necessary in every generation. The dialectic is fundamentally so mobile that Hegel scholar Raya Dunayevskaya described Absolute Negativity as “New Beginning.” See Philosophy and Revolution by Raya Dunayevskaya (Delhi, India, AAKAR, 2018).

[11] The core spiritual existential vocation of the spiritual energy body (soul), however imperfectly realized during the earth incarnation, will on the metaphysical planes be perfected in a higher form. For example, an artist will more perfectly embody the archetypal form of the art he practices and be given the instruments to keep developing it. This will hold true for the philosopher, lawyer, mechanic, etc. When reincarnated on earth, he will carry the abilities gained on the metaphysical plane with him. It must still be activated on earth. Ultimately, at the highest point of spiritual development, when the soul merges with Absolute Mind of the Life Energy, he will project the ideal form of his art as Plato wrote in his dialogues.

[12] The inhibition and destruction of the function of the orgasm is the primary method that the extraterrestrial demonic enemies of humanity separate the human soul from God. Evil is hatched from deadened genitals.

[13] When the core of the human soul is able to shoot forth a powerful ray of spiritual life energy into the Cosmic Absolute Mind, transcendence may occur. There is a fusion of the primal core energy of the soul, and the primal orgasmic creation function of the Absolute Mind. Along this celestial ray, a potent load of spiritual information can be sent back into the core of the human soul. This may produce a mystical / transcendent experience. If the human recipient is strong enough to receive, understand and retain the transmission, a great spiritual teacher may then develop. The founders and leaders of many of the great religions, for example: Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Taoism, and Hinduism, among many others, attained their intense contact with the Godhead of Absolute Mind in this way. William James, in his work Varieties of Religious Experience, provides a survey of the various kinds of mystical ideas and phenomena that can be produced. See: The Varieties of Religious Experience by William James (N.Y., Modern Library, 1936). See also: The Perennial Philosophy by Aldous Huxley (N.Y., Harper, 2009); The Murder of Christ by Wilhelm Reich (N.Y., Noonday Press, 1967); Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism by Gershom Scholem (N.Y., Schocken Books, 1995); Behold the Spirit – A Study in the Necessity of Mystical Religion by Alan Watts (N.Y., Vintage Books, 1971).

[14] Each human being is born out of the cosmic / orgone energy ocean in clean, pristine, and innocent condition. The baby brings with it no “original sin.” The child may become spiritually polluted due to powerful anti-life forces infiltrating God’s creation from another universe working through society. Some can be restored through powerful spiritual energy therapies like the one invented by Dr. Wilhelm Reich. See: Cracking The Matrix by Cate Montana (2023); The Murder of Christ by Wilhelm Reich (N.Y., Noonday Press, 1967).

[15]Orgonomy is not new. In many ways, it is the rediscovery of the Hermetic philosophy of the ancient Egyptians, Vedic medicine, and the Jewish mystical science of the Kabbalah. See: Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition by Francis A. Yates (Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1991); Orgone, Reich & Eros, “Indian Philosophies and the Orgone,” Chapter 6, pg. 133, by Edward Mann (N.Y., Simon & Shuster, 1973); Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism by Gershom Scholem (N.Y., Schocken Books, 1995).

[16] Only a spiritual aristocracy of life energy warriors can defeat the totalitarian death cult forces now attacking the earth.

[17] As Dr. Reich predicted, the central position of the discovery of the function of the orgasm, and its importance in all fields of orgonomy, is being lost. This has very serious consequences today when our population is being subjected to psychological warfare and mass mind control. Restoration of the orgasm gives a person deep subjective and objective contact with reality. Critical thinking is one of the main functions also restored with the orgasm, and it is rooted in instinct. Mass mind control terror is immediately sensed and resisted. Lies are seen and recognized for what they are. Mass control cannot reach the core of sex economically healthy people.They can feel and sense the life negative hatred behind the mask of ideological correctness and phony humanitarianism.

[18] “The realized Philosopher lives in the light of the eternal day!” See Hegel and the Hermetic Tradition by Glenn Alexander Magee (Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 2001).

[19] The soul monad completes incarnations when the transcendent and immanent conscious cosmic energy fuses in the existential spiritual core. It is at that time that the soul / spiritual energy body enters Absolute Mind. As the soul evolves over incarnations, when the transcendent and immanent cosmic energy approaches fusion, the person individuates. This is the process that Carl Jung designated “individuation.” See The Way of Individuation by Jolande Jacobi (N.Y., Harcourt, 1965). (It is at the boundary of the event horizon of the Absolute Mind that a soul will make his final incarnation and become a world spiritual teacher (i.e.: Jesus Christ, Buddha, etc.). See Hegel and the Hermetic Tradition, Chapter 4, “Hegel’s Initiation Rite,” pgs. 127-149, by Glenn Alexander Magee (N.Y., Cornell University Press, 2008).

[20] When the transcendent and immanent life-affirmative spiritual function of the orgasm fuse, and the individual human monad crosses the event boundary of the Source of the Life (Orgone) Energy, it is freed from the necessity to reincarnate and overcomes death (entropy). The human individual, with his spiritual dialectic unchained from the earth trap, joins the infinite and eternal expansion of life energy ejaculated into the cosmos by the Source of Life Energy. All of this the Aryan Christ transmitted to humanity when he was on the earth. See: Ether, God and Devil / Cosmic Superimposition by Wilhelm Reich (N.Y., Farrar, Straus, & Giroux, 1973); The Murder of Christ by Wilhelm Reich (N.Y., Noonday Press, 1967); Nietzsche’s Coming God – or The Redemption of the Divine by Abir Taha (London, ARKTOS, 2013). See also: Gnostic Mysteries of Sex by Tobias Churton (Rochester, Vermont, Inner Traditions, 2015) (“To Valentinian Gnostics…quality of orgasm was essential among those wedded by Christian Commitment to the tree of wisdom thus to one another.” pg. 25); Philosophy and Revolution by Raya Dunayevskaya (India, Aakar, 2013) (Raya is a brilliant interpreter of Hegel. She delineates the operation of the revolutionary spiritual dialectic on earth in the socio-political domains.).

[21] All of my philosophical work for the past 25 years has been centered around the implications of the Oranur Experiment. This experiment was conducted by Dr. Wilhelm Reich in 1951 to explore the possibility of using orgone (life) energy to neutralize radiation sickness in the wake of a possible attack by nuclear weapons on the United States. Dr. Reich was worried about such an attack in the wake of the start of the Korean war. Orgone energy, the primal creative energy of the Universe (“energy before matter”), was concentrated and directed at contained nuclear radiation that Dr. Reich designated “energy after matter.” As a result of this clash, the boundary between physics and metaphysics at the experiment site temporarily became attenuated. A portal into the metaphysical dimensions opened. The deep spiritual implications of orgone energy were revealed. A unifying red thread of the dialectical relationship between good and evil was uncovered by the effects the interaction of orgone and nuclear energy had on organic and inorganic matter. The natural scientific basis of metaphysics was established. See: Wilhelm Reich – Selected Writings, pgs. 351 – 431 (N.Y., Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1961); Wilhelm Reich & Orgonomy, pgs. 81 – 91, by Ola Raknes (Princeton, N.J., American College of Orgonomy Press, 2004).

[22] The philosophical and theological key to understanding the higher metaphysical dimensions can be functionally found in the old occult adage “as above, so below.” The ontological and archetypal forms we see in our material existence are passing reflections of higher more perfect forms in the metaphysical dimensions above. The most powerful and pure forms are within the Cosmic Absolute Mind / Body of the Life Energy Godhead. We see “through a glass darkly.” We proceed functionally from the particulars to the universal, and back again. This dialectical process expands our mind / body. It is the old sought for “philosopher’s stone.” Kabbalists, the Jewish mystics, heal the human “Tree of Life” by this methodology. Dr. Wilhelm Reich rediscovered this in his psychiatric practice and natural scientific work. By knowing and understanding “Adam,” the exiled and armored human reflection on earth from above can be temporarily restored to its pristine form.

[23] “The quest for knowledge expresses desperate attempts, at times, on the part of the orgone energy within the living organism to comprehend itself, to become conscious of itself. And in understanding its own ways and means of being, it learns to understand the cosmic orgone energy ocean that surrounds the surging and searching emotions.” – Wilhelm Reich from Ether, God and Devil / Cosmic Superimposition, pg. 279 (N.Y., Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 1973).

“The individual is an aperture through which the whole energy of the universe is aware of itself.” Alan Watts from There Is Never Anything But The Present, pg. 7 (N.Y., Pantheon books, 2021).

[24] The standard conventional theological explanation of the fact that humanity often chooses Evil is that God gives us free will so that He can have a full relationship with us. This is a half-truth. God primarily also gives us free will so that we can be spiritual explorers capable of helping Him expand the Life Energy into and thru the infinite Universes. In the course of this eternal mission, Evil from the Deadly Psychic Energies of an independent demonic Godhead can turn our free will to destruction instead of creation. There is an eternal battle between Eros and Thanatos.

[25] In the final analysis, the ontology of metaphysics can be reduced to the lowest common denominator of various psychic energy functions. With true dialectical logic and method, the “lowest” function here is also the deepest, most profound, and “highest.” In the Universal and Infinite Ocean of Orgone Energy, floats energies life-affirmative / negatively entropic and life-destructive / entropic. In his last great work, “Civilization and its Discontents,” Freud conceptualized these forces or powers as Eros vs. Thanatos (expansion and contraction). Wilhelm Reich called them Orgone Energy vs. Deadly Orgone Energy. Cutting-edge cosmology now tells us that our Universe is under the power of continuous expansion by virtue of “dark energy.” This dark energy vindicates Reich’s orgone energy. In other words, using traditional theological language, God is still continuously sustaining us against the powers of darkness and evil. The Bible tells us in Genesis that the first phenomenon that God created was “Light.” He projected this into the darkness of the black void.

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